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Kleinfelder Interview – Dick Wells, Transportation Market Manager

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Informed Infrastructure spoke with Dick Wells, transportation market manager and chair of the American Council of Engineering Companies at the opening of Kleinfelder’s new office in downtown Denver. The conversation touched on some of the major projects the company has underway, the rise of public-private partnerships, mission of the American Council of Engineering Companies with a view on the health of the infrastructure business, and working on leadership development.

Kleinfelder Interview – Mark Colsman, Environmental Chemist and Project Manager

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Informed Infrastructure spoke with Mark Colsman, environmental chemist and project manager, at the opening of Kleinfelder’s new office in downtown Denver. The conversation about the environmental-remediation work that Kleinfelder is involved in covered their development of Conceptual Site Models with considerable data collection for decision making about the issues on the site. Increasingly, they are using real-time data sensors and data feeds to better understand underground processes.

Kleinfelder Interview – Rod Eisenbraun, National Dam and Levee Segment Manager

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Informed Infrastructure spoke with Rod Eisenbraun, national dam and levee segment manager, at the opening of Kleinfelder’s new office in downtown Denver. The conversation covered dam creation and rehabilitation, the need for more storage with increasing droughts, the more environmentally friendly approaches these days, and hydro power as a clean power source.

Kleinfelder Interview – Suad Cisic, Senior VP, Water Market Manager

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Informed Infrastructure spoke with Suad Cisic, Senior Vice President, Water Market Manager, at the opening of Kleinfelder’s new office in downtown Denver. Suad discussed new stormwater management efforts, such at the award-winning Alewife Stormwater Reservoir, the need to repair leaking water pipelines, and the growing trend to proactively manage water assets.

Landing on a Comet – The Rosetta Mission

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After a 10-year journey of some seven billion kilometres, the Rosetta mission is now heading towards its next major milestone – setting the lander Philae on a comet. On 12 November 2014, a lander is scheduled to touch down on a comet for the first time in the history of spaceflight. “We don’t know exactly what awaits us there,” says lander Project Manager Stephan Ulamec from the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR).

Landsat Tracks Mount St. Helens Recovery

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By observing different wavelengths of light reflected off the surface, Landsat data can identify different types of land cover.

Landsat: Farming Data From Space

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NASA's fleet of satellites has been watching over Earth for more than half a century, collecting valuable data about the crops that make up our food supply and the water it takes to grow them. This wealth of information allows scientists to monitor farmland—tracking the overall food supply, where specific crops are grown, and how much water it takes to grow them with data from the Landsat satellites and others

Landsat’s View of Crops from Space, in Music

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In this video, you can hear Landsat's view of crops from space in the form of a song, called a data sonification.

Las Vegas Broadcast 12_2 (Autodesk University, UAV economic impact, Great Barrier Reef map, ancient maps and more)

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This Daily Digest from 12/2 covers topics such as Autodesk University in Las Vegas, the economic impact of UAVs, ancient maps, imagery partnerships, climate change and more.

Launch of Trimble Ag Software

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Ben Allen, enterprise solutions lead for Trimble Agriculture, explains how Trimble’s new farm data management platform—Trimble Ag Software—simplifies management of data and helps farmers make informed, timely decisions.