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What Is the Geodesign Summit?
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Esri's annual Geodesign Summit has been a key element in moving the geodesign movement forward. This video from GeoSpatial Stream summarizes some of the important geodesign concepts as well as how Esri's conference informs and motivates those interested in designing a better and smarter built environment.
URISA’s GIS-Pro 2014: Big Results in Big Easy
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URISA's GIS-Pro 2014 was held Sept. 8-11, 2014, in New Orleans. Todd Danielson, GeoSpatial Stream publisher, was at the event and created this video recap.
Kleinfelder Interview – Rod Eisenbraun, National Dam and Levee Segment Manager
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Informed Infrastructure spoke with Rod Eisenbraun, national dam and levee segment manager, at the opening of Kleinfelder’s new office in downtown Denver. The conversation covered dam creation and rehabilitation, the need for more storage with increasing droughts, the more environmentally friendly approaches these days, and hydro power as a clean power source.
11_6 Trimble Dimensions Broadcast (Event Recap, Highlights and News)
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This GeoSpatial Stream broadcast was recorded onsite at the Trimble Dimensions 2014 Conference in Las Vegas, Nev., providing a recap of video highlights and news from the event.
Geodesign Leader Discusses Concepts from “Earthship” Home
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Shannon McElvaney, Esri's Community Development Manager, spoke with Matt Ball, V1 Media's founder and editorial director, from his "Earthship" home in Colorado Springs, Colo., on Jan. 2., 2015, just weeks before the Geodesign Summit 2015. McElvaney is instrumental in holding the annual summit, and he discusses his thoughts on geodesign and connected construction.
David Early Discusses Smart Growth at Geodesign Summit
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David Early, principal at PlaceWorks, is a renowned expert on smart growth. For more than 25 years, he has worked with communities and helped numerous clients prepare successful grant applications to help fund long-range planning efforts. On behalf of V1 Media, Informed Infrastructure and GeoSpatial Stream, Todd Danielson interviewed Early at the Geodesign Summit 2015 in Redlands, Calif.
Asia-Pacific Broadcast (Remote-Sensing Satellites, East Asia Agreements, Greenhouse Mapping and More)
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This GeoSpatial Stream focuses on the Asia-Pacific region. Topics covered include China's failed CBERS-3 remote-sensing satellite, a joint agreement to monitor air pollution, Greenhouse mapping in India, precision agriculture in Australia and more.
1_21 Open Data Broadcast (Value of Open GeoData, Bee Sensors, GPS/Silicon Valley and More)
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This GeoSpatial Stream broadcast discusses the need for governments to make geospatial data open, sensors placed on bees to improve pollination, a GPS/Silicon Valley partnership, new avalanche-monitoring software and more.
SmarterBetterCities Interview at GeoDesign Summit
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Todd Danielson interviews Antje Kunze, CEO and founder of SmarterBetterCities, which is based out of Zurich, Switzerland. They discuss the software company's vision for holistic urban planning as well as its tools for achieving those goals.
2_12 Roger Tomlinson Broadcast (GeoDesign Summit, Tomlinson Tribute, Landsat 8 and More)
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This GeoSpatial Stream broadcast discusses Esri's GeoDesign Summit; the recent passing of Roger Tomlinson, "The Father of GIS"; Landsat 8's birthday; climate change and national security; woodland conservation; geospatial gaming technology; and more.