Todd Danielson

Joined 2 years ago

Up Close and Personal: Ariane 6 Liftoff From the Launchpad

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After years of preparations, the Vulcain main stage engine ignites, arms providing cryogenic fuels to the rocket until the very last moment retract and boosters fire – Ariane 6 is space-bound. As it lifts off, vast am...

Europe’s Next Big Rocket In a Nutshell

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Ariane 6 is the newest rocket in a series that has, for five decades, been launching Europe towards the stars. Building on all the knowledge, expertise and technology developed over the years, Ariane 6 will be versati...

Podcast with Esri’s Dr. Este Geraghty

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Todd Danielson, V1 Media’s editorial director, interviewed Dr. Este Geraghty, the Chief Medical Officer at Esri, on Feb. 11, 2024, at the GeoWeek Conference in Denver. Before delivering her keynote speech the ...

PACE Makes the Invisible Visible

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PACE, the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud and ocean Ecosystem mission, views our entire planet every day, returning data at a cadence that allows scientists to track and monitor the rapidly changing atmosphere and ocean, inc...